Benefits of pressure irrigation :

1- Save water consumption
2- Perform field operations simultaneously with irrigation
3. No need to level the service road and create irrigation canal
4. The possibility of irrigation in rough terrain
5. Easier control of weeds, pests and diseases
6. Possibility of fertilizer application of herbicides and other chemicals with irrigation
7. Prevention of erosion and washing of soil nutrients
8. Prevent the chilling of plants and trees
9- The possibility of using salt water
10- Increasing the efficiency of using seedlings
11- Increase product quality and quantity
12. Reduce production costs
13- Easy farm management
14. Less need for manpower

We are here:

  Haft Tir Sq, Karim Khan Zand St, Aref Adib Alley, Building 46, Floor 9 - Unit 17 - Postal Code 1584893148





 Pars Plastic Industries Company

The first producer of polyethylene pipes in Tehran province located in 20 km of Tehran Saveh Highway - Shahriar Road exit. The company is equipped with state-of-the-art technology of German Cross Mafia Polyethylene Pipeline production lines with high power and capacity of more than twenty thousand tons per year from 6 to 630 mm polyethylene pipe according to German standard 8074. .


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